Friday, December 30, 2005

what's in a b-l-o-g?

What does one say in a blog?
I have decided that this blog must possess three qualities - the ABCs...
it shall be unAssuming.
- nothing here is especially poetic or any bit more significant than the blogs (lives) of any other individual. As such, I will always be thankful for anyone kind enough to take the time to read and especially to post comments.
Brevity shall guide its prose.
- you, my dear reader, have many things to do and only 24 hours a day to do them in. It is my pledge not to indulge any particular literary romanticism at the expense of your precious time.
and sinCerity (quite a stretch to alliterate as a C) will be its goal.
- the thoughts and feelings I share will at times be silly, at times solemn, but always sincere. This blog is a window to my life that I open to you.

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