Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pressing on

I'm curious. Is it possible to learn resilience and determination without hardship? I'm asking because hardship is, well...hardship is hard. Though I have only started work recently, at times the temptation to just pack up and leave is so real. It just seems so much easier to be a student. Yet, I recognise that each day I persist, that much more I grow in character. So, I will press on. That is unless one of you geniuses can tell me how to substitute hardship in character building. Looking forward to it. Otherwise, here's an Adidas advert that I hope will lift you fellow presser-onners when the task before you seems impossible.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

P.S. I've heard that presser-onners become overcomers.

Blessed New Year

It's 2007. Isn't it odd how time sits still when you're staring at a clock waiting for knock-off time or your teacher to end the class, but the moment you turn your gaze another year's gone by? Reminds me of a cockroach actually. You know how sometimes you see a cockroach and you refuse to take your eyes off it because you're sure you could never go to bed knowing it was running loose somewhere? You inch toward the 'baygon' with your eyes fixed intently on the little black monster. But just as you turn around to pick up the can-of-instant-insect-death, it disappears. Disbelief. Panic. Then frantic fumagation before uncontrollable coughing and choking. Time has a habit of doing that too. Vanishing when you're not careful. Disappearing when you're unaware. Someone once said that time flies when you're having fun, but here's a news flash: Time flies, fun or not. And sometimes the end-result is the same; disbelief and panic. Ever suddenly realised that your 10,000 word essay given to you 3 months ago was due the next day and you actually CAN'T finish it on time, or that it's already 2007 and all the things you had set out to do for 2006 were still pending? To prevent the escape of time. Prioritise, be Purposeful and Practical. To refuse a cockroach's elusion. Don't rely on 'baygon'. Stomp on it. (Shoes or no shoes.) Moving into the new year, let's keep our focus on the things that are important. Let's major on the majors and minor on the minors. Here's wishing you all a very merry blessed and fruitful new year. God bless.